OTELO - Background OTELO – Open Technology Labs “Open and free space for free and creative thinking people” Martin Hollinetz Chairman Open Technology Labs Upper Austria Brain Drain and the gap between rural and urban areas is a major problem in Austria and other European countries. OTELO applies a bottom-up approach, creating a framework, which fosters people’s creativity and entrepreneurship and encourages them to address major challenges in rural areas. Citizens are encouraged to actively implement their desired lifestyle in the rural area instead of moving to the cities. OTELO Background This leads to improved quality of life, a new culture of openness and cooperation and an overall burst of innovation across various fields (such as the educational system, the creation of new forms of work and regional (creativ)economic development). OTELO facilitates an increased innovation capacity, which is the basic condition for regional resilience. OTELO get fund from Impulse Lead to create a transferable model for other regions and countries OTELO Background Use of regional infrastructure Easy access, low threshold high level of cooperation and networking new regional working models for the creative industries Otelo followed 4 approaches: Organizational support of OTELO Developing and trying out ideas Realizing individual projects, step by step Important contribution to regional developement Nodes activities, Workshops, lectures, discussions, projects, startups Success of OTELO Open space for satisfying and valuable activities Easy access to science, arts and technology Interaction and shared inspiration in a save space Interdisciplinary and free of institutional boundaries